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  • Writer's pictureMadison Kolla

The Unclinic

I am in absolute awe of the humans who have come forward since the launch of my “unclinic” in the forest. DIA is not relaxing, feel-good acupuncture in the moment. It is deep and sometimes uncomfortable work. The feeling good part only comes after a bit of struggle and effort.

And the people who have shown up to do this work haven’t had easy life experiences. They’ve had trauma, PTSD, anxiety, long-term chronic health conditions. They’ve been afraid, hesitant, concerned about what may surface - but they’ve trusted themselves and faced it anyway.

The combination of breathwork and acupuncture creates a unique experience. It moves energy very strongly, allowing us to feel this movement clearly, even for those who usually have more difficulty tuning into bodily sensations. When we have long-term issues, when we carry old traumas, there is usually a great amount of stuck energy in place. So when we finally move this ‘stuckness’, the result is not subtle.

These shifts are accompanied by noise, emotional releases, muscular spasms/twitches/vibrations. All of these releases can happen during any acupuncture treatment, but in Dynamic Interactive Acupuncture sessions, we set the intention to allow and encourage these dynamic openings. Which is why I’m doing treatments in the middle of acres of private, untouched forested land. Why the only witnesses to potential mini-breakdowns are the oaks and the mosses, the birds and the butterflies and the deer and the bunnies.

I have been inspired by the bravery and vulnerability of people willing to face their shit head-on. I am honored to be able to witness and provide space for falling apart in a safe and secure way. I have also become enamored with the musical soundtrack of the field and forest - yesterday whinnying horses from the farm next door competed with the hummingbirds and songbirds (how I used to hate locating that perfect clinic music with the right amount of white noise and consistent volume!).

But I am aware, that as we pass through Summer Solstice, winter is indeed coming. And treatments on a forest floor in the rainy autumn do not seem like an ideal situation. The solution that has been resonating most consistently is to build a yurt here to provide treatments in. I won’t be able to put it right in the forest, as I’ll want to run power and heat to it, but even near the house, the nature soundtrack plays loud and clear. And the thought of rain patter sounds against canvas - divine.

A yurt comes at a significant financial cost though, so I’m opening up to thoughts and feedback from you, dear friends and community! Would you make a 20 minute drive away from the hustle and bustle of downtown, to escape into a rural bubble of peace for an acupuncture treatment? Does receiving treatment within a yurt appeal to you? Are there appropriation concerns about making use of yurts and tipis - structures that belong to other cultures? Does anyone else feel they could make use of a space like this - for small workshops, retreats, circles?Any clever builder friends actually know anything about setting one up?

I welcome thoughts, support, and criticism as I make my way here. Thanks all. Be well. M.

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